My Recent Reads & Reviews

Hey earth muffins! Over my relaxing winter break I got to (finally) do some reading! I haven’t done a book review post since The Heretic Queen back in October, so I figured I would compile some mini reviews into one post for you all today. πŸ“– I hope to continue reading this semester instead of spending so much time looking at computer/TV screens, so look for more book review posts in the upcoming months!

#DoNotDisturb: How I Ghosted My Cell Phone to Take Back My Life by Jedediah Bila

As I mentioned above and in my Resolutions post, I am trying to cut back on my screen time. This book was a great eye opener (and was the inspiration behind this resolution), as Jedediah discussed her extremely relatable experiences with cell phones and technology in the modern age. It definitely made me aware of how often I mindlessly scroll through social media pages or avoid social interactions by looking at my phone. This book made me realize that I want to live a life that isn’t defined by my phone, so I would recommend it to all of you!
Rating: 9/10

The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century by Kirk W. Johnson

At my library, there is a section in the front with new fiction and nonfiction books. As I love nonfiction, I always stop there first to see if anything catches my eye… Which this one did! The novel focuses on the heist of Edwin Rist, who stole 300 dead birds from a Natural History museum in England to sell for Victorian fly ties. While I had never heard of this event (even though it happened in 2009!!!), the book was an awesome read. It goes through the history of bird feathers in fashion, Victorian fly ties, and the crime (which is mainly unsolved to this day as there are about 100 birds still missing). Overall, it was just a super interesting book about something I have never read about before!
Rating: 10/10

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Each chapter of this book focuses on a “lie” that women may believe (ex. I am not beautiful) and, through stories of her own life, Rachel shares how to realize that these things are not true. Rachel’s stories were often quite hilarious, but there were so many that are relatable for so many people. While I am usually not a huge fan of motivational books, this one was a good read. I felt truly inspired after I finished!
Rating: 7/10

JELL-O Girls: A Family History by Allie Rowbottom

Ok, this was another random book that caught my eye… The JELL-O patent was bought for only $450 and is one of the most rewarding business transacations in American history. The family who benefited from this purchase had quite a bit of troubles: cancer, suicides, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness, etc. This book basically goes through the lives of Allie’s grandmother and mother to share what she calls “the JELL-O curse”. For me, there wasn’t really any conclusion or resolution of the “curse”, but it was still interesting to read all of the juicy family secrets. 😁
Rating: 5/10

The Joy of Less by Francine Jay

If you have been reading my posts for awhile, you will know that I have begun a journey towards lower/zero waste. Through this journey, I have started to realize that a life of simple living is something that I want in my future. This book shares tips and tricks for decluttering and minimalizing, and I found it super insightful. Definitely a must-read for anyone looking to simplify, as each chapter goes through a specific room to make the process easier to do!
Rating: 8/10

What books have you read recently? What books should I read next?

Jenna β™₯

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